Monday, August 17, 2015


Bank of Maharastra General Awarness - Solved Paper 1

  • Monday, August 17, 2015
  • SekarC
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  • 1. The Govt. of India has taken a decision to open three more IITs during the year 2008-09. These IITs will be in which of the following groups of States ?
    (A) Bihar, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh
    (B) Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Karnataka
    (C) Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala
    (D) Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar
    (E) None of these
    Ans : (A)

    2. Which of the following is/are not the highlights of the Union Budget 2008-09 ?
    1. A Risk Capital Fund is to be set up and maintained by one of the financial institutes.
    2. Allocation for Defence is reduced by 10% to make it Rs. 10,000 crore.
    3. Several new schemes to be introduced for providing social security to the people in unorganized sectors.
    (A) Only 1
    (B) Only 2
    (C) Only 3
    (D) Both 1 and 2
    (E) All 1, 2 and 3
    Ans : (B)

    3. To help farming community the Govt. of India has decided to raise the Minimum support price of paddy for current Kharif marketing season. What is that price ?
    (A) Rs. 800 per quintal
    (B) Rs. 900 per quintal
    (C) Rs. 950 per quintal
    (D) Rs. 1200 per quintal
    (E) None of these
    Ans : (E)

    4. Which of the following is the correct definition of the term commercial papers ?
    1. It is nothing but the popular name of the Judicial stamp papers used to register financial transactions.
    2. It is one of the instruments through which Corporates raise debt from the market.
    3. It is the name of the ‘Certificate of Deposits’ provided by the Banks to its retail customers.
    (A) Only 1
    (B) Only 2
    (C) Only 3
    (D) Both 1 and 2
    (E) All 1, 2 and 3
    Ans : (B)

    5. As per the decision taken by the Govt. of India two financial inclusion funds are set up with an overall corpus of Rs. 500 crore each. These funds-Financial Inclusion Fund and Financial Inclusion Technology Fund are to be set up by the initial contribution made by the……
    (B) NABARD, UTI and RBI
    (C) Govt. of India, NABARD and RBI
    (D) SIDBI, Govt. of India and IDBI Bank
    (E) None of these
    Ans : (C)

    6. As per the Railway Budget 2008-09 the Operating ratio of Railways is pitched at which of the following levels ? Approximately……
    (A) 70%
    (B) 75%
    (C) 98%
    (D) 90%
    (E) 81%
    Ans : (E)

    7. As per the Govt. policy the provision of the subsidy for interest subvention to co-operative Sugar Mills is done by which of the following agencies / organizations ?
    (A) Commission for Agricultural costs and prices
    (B) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
    (C) Ministry of Agriculture
    (D) National Commission on Farmers
    (E) None of these
    Ans : (B)

    8. Banks these days have launched a new scheme product known as ‘Reverse Mortgage’. The scheme is designed keeping which of the following groups of society in consideration ?
    (A) Youngsters who have just started earning
    (B) Defence personnel whose life is always at high risk
    (C) Senior Citizen
    (D) Women who do not have independent source of income
    (E) None of these
    Ans : (C)

    9. As per the new figures released in recent past what has been the ratio of taxes to Gross Domestic Product (Tax-GDP) in 2007-08 ? Approximately……
    (A) 8%
    (B) 9%
    (C) 10%
    (D) 11•5%
    (E) 12•5%
    Ans : (E)

    10. Many a times we read in the newspapers a term ‘Hot Money’. Which of the following is the correct definition of Hot Money ?
    1. This is the fund which is dumped into a country to get the advantage of a favourable interest rate and hence brings higher returns.
    2. This is the fund which is provided by a bank in US $ at very short notice and at a very high rate of interest and for a longer period of repayment.
    3. This is the fund which is pushed into market through Hawala or some other such illegal methods and sometimes referred also as Black Money.
    (A) Only 1 is correct
    (B) Both 1 and 2 are correct
    (C) Only 3 is correct
    (D) Both 1 and 3 are true
    (E) Only 2 is correct
    Ans : (A)

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